Pool Salt

Pool usage increases in the summer months, offering a swimming and relaxation area that provides entertainment and cooling. On hot summer days, we all want to plunge into a cool and fresh pool. The pools we use for ourselves and our families, besides providing cooling and entertainment, are more importantly clean and hygienic. In this context, many chemical products are used for pool cleaning. These chemical products can cause allergic reactions to the human skin. A natural option for pool hygiene is the use of pool salt.


Pool salt is a natural salt product used to provide cleanliness and hygiene in pool water. It is an alternative to chemical pool cleaning products. In fact, it is almost identical to table salt but much larger in grain size. Pool salt dissolves in water after being added to the pool, releasing sodium and chloride ions. As a result of this chemical reaction, chloride ions turn into a more acidic structure, disinfecting the water naturally by killing bacteria and microbes that may be present in the pool water. Additionally, compared to chemical chlorine, the smell of sodium chloride is much milder.